Designs Gallery Bookshop
We have picked a great selection of books for you to browse and buy from our online Bookshop. Click on the book to read a full description and if you like it, put it in your shopping basket or click on Books for the Month Chosen by Designs Gallery to see full list. Happy Reading!
Designs Gallery
We are open 10 til 4 (Closed Sundays) and look forward to seeing you ..
If you can't make it to visit us in person please visit our Online Shop where you will find a great range of books, textiles, ceramics and other gifts.

Designs Cafe
We are open Monday to Saturday from 10am until 4pm serving coffees, cakes and delicious lunches.
Who We Are

Find Us
179 King Street Castle Douglas
Scotland DG7 1DZ
phone: 01556 504552
Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
(closed Sundays)

About Us
Designs Gallery & Cafe was established as a bricks and mortar shop and cafe in Castle Douglas 28 years ago!
Designs Cafe is open Monday to Saturday, 10 til 4 serving great food and coffee, both indoors and outside in our lovely garden.

Designs Bookshop
We have sold books at Designs for many years but in the last year have expanded our range. We now also sell from Designs website and also have a shopfront on which gives you access to many curated titles on our booklists plus millions more books to browse. Enjoy reading!
Designs Gallery
179 King Street, Castle Douglas
Dumfries & Galloway
Open 10am until 4pm
(closed Sundays).